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Nov. 2 2010
As the San Francisco Giants clinched the World Series title, I was ecstatic as most long-time central California baseball fans were! 55 years is a long time to wait for a World Series title – years...
Nov. 1 2010
On October 25, the American Guernsey Association appraiser stopped by the Hoard Farm to score the Guernseys. Here are a few highlights from that day: • Howerton Farms Reward Clove (shown above) went...
Nov. 1 2010
On October 25, the American Guernsey Association appraiser stopped by the Hoard Farm to score the Guernseys. Here are a few highlights from that day: • Howerton Farms Reward Clove (shown above) went...
Oct. 29 2010
Milk producers hoping for an optimistic feed outlook in 2011 got just the opposite at the Arizona Dairy Production Conference October 21. Instead of lower prices, speakers said there is a great risk of...
Oct. 28 2010
Although milk prices in 2011 are forecast to remain near this year's level, higher feed prices are expected to squeeze producer margins, impacting the size of the dairy herd in 2011, according to the USDA's...
Oct. 26 2010
The results of the annual top 100 coopertives list, ranked by total revenue is now available for 2009. It's release coincides with October being national cooperative month. The document, published by NCB...
Oct. 26 2010
I remember having to write an answer to this essay question in my high school English course. We were asked if we would rather be a second-rate artist or be known for making a first-rate soup. While most...
Oct. 25 2010
This may not be the case at all universities, but we suspect the trend is occurring at other institutions of higher learning. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, data from Chancellor Biddy Martin's...
Oct. 21 2010
Memo to Chile: Don't seal up that mine just yet. "Hide and Ignore" appears to be a political strategy across the Atlantic, where the 27-member European Commission has proposed a five-year ban on animal...
Oct. 21 2010
The trend continues. More and more milk. September was the seventh month in a row that U.S. milk production has been above year-earlier levels. September's growth in milk production across the nation was...
Oct. 20 2010
"Bogus" is the word that University of California-Davis Professor Frank Mitloehner used to describe the FAO's original estimation of livestock's contribution to greenhouse gasses during his presentation...
Oct. 19 2010
The remarqued Foster Mothers print featuring the Jersey will be sold on Sunday, November 7 in Louisville, Ky., at the All-American Jersey Show, which is held at the North American International Livestock...
Oct. 18 2010
This year has been plagued with countless accidents that have severely injured dairy producers, or worst, taken their lives. Rollovers, auto accidents, exposure to toxic silo gas, hay bale crushing incidents,...
Oct. 15 2010
Chicago, Atlanta and Miami, or Beijing, Tijuana and Riyadh? One group of cities is the perception of where U.S. dairy products are sold; the other is the fast-growing reality and the future. Forecasters...
Oct. 14 2010
USDA's October forecast of milk production for 2010 is raised slightly from last month as higher milk per cow more than offsets lower cow numbers. The agency now puts the 2010 estimate at 192.8 billion...
Oct. 13 2010
When I think of global hunger issues, only one name comes to mind: Norman Borlaug. In college, I never stopped hearing about him - he was an alumni of my alma mater. Borlaug was the winner of the Nobel...
Oct. 12 2010
With 40 percent of dairy operators over the age of 55, some may speculate some push-back to adapting to new information. The average dairy producer hovers around this age demographic. However, all producers,...
Oct. 11 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010, marked the first official observance of W. D. Hoard Day in the State of Wisconsin. Although this is the first official recognition of W.D. Hoard Day, in reality, Wisconsin residents...
Whole Milk Powders.jpg
Oct. 8 2010
Recession still handcuffs the U.S. economy as a whole (what is the National Bureau of Economic Research thinking?), but a semi-boom has been underway all year in global demand for dairy products. Thanks...
Oct. 7 2010
Tomorrow, USDA will release its Crop Production report which will shed some light on just how much corn might be harvested in this country this fall after all is said and done. It is an anxiously awaited...